miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Error en Opnet

OPNET - the license file and Linux

In OPNET installation notes, it is clearly explained that OPNET is tested with Fedora, and that the license file must be located in a local disk.
It could be the case that you want to use OPNET on some other distribution, say openSUSE as in my case.
In this case, OPNET installation is straightforward, but as soon as you try to install the licenses, you get a message saying "license file is not local", while you perfectly know that you're working only on local disks!
The problem is, that OPNET wants the license file to be installed on an ext3 formatted disk (Fedora's default), while your disk could also be reiserfs (SuSE default) or whatever...
In this page, I'll explain how to avoid this limitation, while keeping the license in your local disk and avoiding formatting your disk!


The idea is to create a loopback file in opnet licenses' location, and then mounting this file as an ext3 partition. Although the procedure is quite simple in itself, I'll explain all steps with a high level of details.

$> cd /opt
go to work directory

$> dd if=/dev/zero of=op_license_disk bs=1k seek=4096 count=0
this creates a sparse loopback file in your hard disk

$> mkfs.ext3 -i 1024 -b 1024 -m 5 -F -v op_license_disk
amp;gt; mkfs.ext3 -i 1024 -b 1024 -m 5 -F -v op_license_disk
amp;gt; mkfs.ext3 -i 1024 -b 1024 -m 5 -F -v op_license_disk
amp;gt; mkfs.ext3 -i 1024 -b 1024 -m 5 -F -v op_license_disk
format this file as ext3

$> mount -o loop op_license_disk /opt/OPNET_license
mount your loopback file in opnet licenses' directory

now, you can go with the license manager, as usual for OPNET
$> op_license_manager
amp;gt; op_license_manager
amp;gt; op_license_manager
amp;gt; op_license_manager

test your opnet by starting it, if everything works well, add this in line your /etc/fstab file:
/opt/op_license_disk /opt/OPNET_license ext3 loop 0 0
then, everything should work well, also after a reboot

Original: Claudio Vicari

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